Crossroads is passionate about youth:

REACHING youth in Canberra with the great news of Jesus

CONNECTING as the body of Christ
GROWING in their Christian faith

SERVING Jesus with their whole life



Crossfire is a Friday night youth group for students in school years 7-12 that runs during school terms. Crossfire is all about fun, friendships, and Jesus. Crossfire is open to all, regardless of their beliefs or backgrounds. It is a great community to explore life with Jesus alongside others, whether you consider yourself a Christian, are uncertain, or simply interested in discovering more.
Location: Lake Ginninderra College Gym
2 Emu Bank, Belconnen ACT 2617 (Entrance off Aikman Drive).
Time: 7:15pm-9:15pm

Join our Community! 

 Youth at Crossroads have the opportunity to be part of the community during the week. Our social pages are active with announcements of upcoming events, photos, and encouragement. Check us out and join the fun!

What's Happening


Youth@Church is our Sunday morning youth ministry for youth in years 7-9 that runs alongside our morning services. Youth@Church begins part way through our church meetings at both the North and Belco services. This allows our church family to meet together as one body before continuing church in age-appropriate spaces.
The Sunday morning program involves activities, bible teaching and prayer, and it’s a great opportunity for the youth to connect with each other, learn from one another and encourage one another. The youth learn from the same bible passage as their parents (where suitable) and we do this to encourage our whole church to learn and grow together.


We want to see youth in our church to continue to grow in their Christian faith. This is why we run mid week bible studies for our youth (called Mid-weeks for short). During the week we have Junior Midweeks and Senior Midweeks.

Junior Midweeks

Junior Mid-weeks is a weekly gathering for youth in years 7 to 10. It provides a fun environment for them to hang out, read the bible, and pray together. These sessions take place on Wednesdays during the school term. We begin with 30 minutes of games and socialising as a group, followed by an hour of bible study in separate year groups.

Time: Wednesday 4:30pm-6pm
Location: Crossroads Office, 6/1 Hall St, Lyneham ACT 2602

Senior Mid-weeks

Senior Mid-weeks is a program designed for youth in years 11 to 12. These groups function more like regular Growth Groups, and they meet during the school terms, in their respective year groups. Each group decides upon the most suitable times and locations. If you require more information about the schedule of these groups, please feel free to email youth@crossroads.asn.au.


Registration involves providing some personal details so that we can keep youth safe:

Safe Ministry

Crossroads adheres to Safe Ministry, find out more on the policies page below.